Musical Director

Cappella Nova in Bath is seeking to appoint a new Musical Director from September 2025, as our current MD and founder is standing down after 23 years.


We are looking for someone with the confidence and experience to get the choir from a first sing-through to concert standard over 7 rehearsals by inspiring us to perform to the best of our ability while making that journey as enjoyable as possible.  The successful candidate would therefore need to have a clear sense of direction and the organisational ability to get the best out of the choir at each rehearsal and during performances.  They should have a good understanding of singing techniques and be able to work effectively with amateur singers.  They should be capable of working across a wide range of music.


The MD will be responsible for planning and leading rehearsals and conducting the choir at concerts.  In conjunction with the committee, which meets 4 or 5 times a year, they will also work collaboratively on future programmes, rehearsal dates and concert venues.


Rehearsals are held most weeks during term time on either Friday evenings between 7.30pm and 9.30pm or Saturday mornings between 0930 and 1230 in St Alphege’s Church Hall.  Concerts are performed at various churches in Bath, occasionally in venues outside Bath and every 2 years we spend a weekend singing cathedral services.


In the past we have supported national and local charitable causes from the proceeds of our concerts, and we hope we can continue to raise money this way.  The new MD would be appointed on a self-employed basis, with remuneration, including reasonable travelling expenses, subject to negotiation, and having regard to the candidate’s skills and previous experience. The level of remuneration will be reviewed annually.


The selection process will include a 30 to 40 minute rehearsal audition in March 2025, followed by an interview.  The audition is likely to involve directing the choir in a piece they know (which will be sent to the shortlisted candidates in advance) and in a less familiar piece.  The successful candidate will be asked to take up the post sometime thereafter, planning music for our Autumn and/or Christmas concert and conducting rehearsals from September 2025.  The contract will be subject to an agreed probationary period.


The closing date for applications is midnight on Friday 31st January 2025.  To enquire further, receive a short job specification or apply for the post, please email the choir’s chair, Paul Cartwright, at

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